Print On Demand — Tiny Pattern Repeats Or Big Ones?

Sarah Minnis
7 min readJul 24, 2021

The dilemma of a Print On Demand designer

I am relatively new to the idea of Print On Demand (as a seller I mean). In fact, I only opened my RedBubble shop in March of this year.

But I’m no expert in the design process.

I can do the basics on Photoshop, I’m quite proficient with Procreate and I can definitely use Canva. But I struggle with one concept and that is the idea of repeat patterns.

I learned how to make a repeat pattern in all 3 of the software programs above this year and, as with anything, it’s easy when you know how! I still have to master the half drop repeat…but that’s coming soon!

But I never studied design or graphic design or anything like that at school or university, so many of the basic principles are alien to me.

I’m trying to understand what looks better on Print On Demand products — a tiny repeat pattern or a big one? And does it matter what size product you put it on?

For example, a tiny pattern on a big cushion or on a tiny cushion?

Personally, when I upload patterns to RedBubble (which is my main Print On Demand site at the moment) I just tend to go with whatever I think looks best at the time, there is no rhyme or reason to it.

And that’s fine, but some of my patterns can look a little misplaced sometimes (even though I do try to match up the pattern with the product I am creating). To be…



Sarah Minnis

I write about side hustles, productivity and creativity whilst trying to live an eco-friendly and happy life. I love learning new crafts, words and skills!